Old Dominion University's Institute for 犹太研究 & Interfaith Understanding Condemns Hamas Attacks, Calls for Peace

Old Dominion University's Institute for 犹太研究 and Interfaith Understanding expresses our deep grief and anguish as we bear witness to the terror and violence targeting Israeli civilians by Hamas.

We condemn these terrorist attacks. We grieve with families and friends who have lost loved ones; 我们祈祷 for the safety and release of the hostages taken; and we recognize the fear, 愤怒, 悲伤, and uncertainty that Jews around the world are feeling and experiencing.

True to our interfaith mission, we hold space for the Palestinian, 德鲁兹派, and Bedouin civilians who are also suffering. We call on the Old Dominion University community to recognize that many community members are deeply affected by these events, and we ask that we show each other compassion, 尊重, and civility as together we unequivocally call for peace.

In Jewish tradition, 我们祈祷, u'fros aleinu sukkat shlomecha, cover us with the shelter of Your peace. May we have the courage to denounce violence and destructiveness, and may we become partners in building that shelter of peace.

艾米K. Milligan
Program Director
Institute for 犹太研究 & Interfaith Understanding

The Institute for 犹太研究 and Interfaith Understanding is an interdisciplinary academic program at Old Dominion University that fosters knowledge of Jewish history, 认为, 文化, and languages through education, 奖学金, and community outreach.

The Institute offers courses in the Jewish religion and literature, the Hebrew language, the history of modern Israel and its role in shaping global Jewish identity, the 文化 of the Jewish diaspora throughout the ages, and the ethical and philosophical role of Judaism in influencing other world religions and civilizations.

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Institute for 犹太研究 & Interfaith Understanding


Institute for 犹太研究 & Interfaith Understanding